Looking to add a little color to your Scuba Gear? If so, Atomic has a Series of Color Kits to do just that.
Each kit allows you to customize your Atomic B2 regulator to whatever color suits your fancy that day! Feeling Hot one day then go Red, feeling Royal one day, then Purple is great for you! The possibilities are limitless.
Not only will you have one of the best performing regulators on the market today, but you'll also have one of the best looking regulators as well!
Atomics Color Kit for the B2 Regulators are available in black, gray, red, royal blue, yellow, and pink or purple.
Match your mood, fins, BCD or wet suit accent colors, mask, snorkel or other gear. Easy to install and you will be a well color coordinated diver. Kit included purge cover, adjustment knob, knob screw, and exhaust deflector in the color of your choice. Purge cover is made from a soft pliable plastic and the purge deflector, and knob are plastic.
Not sure how to install it? OTA will install it for free with your purchase, simply ship your regulator to us and, pay for return postage and install the kit and test your regulator and put back in a box to ship to you with 2 business days. Call us at 855-682-3483 for more details!